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Botler receives its configuration through two ways:

  1. Environment variables for configuring
    • Settings needed prior to a database connection
    • Settings specific to an environment
    • Settings that should be easily accessible during development
  2. Settings stored in the database
    • For settings changeable at runtime
    • All remaining configurations

As a bare minimum the bot needs a database connection provided by environment variables and a Discord token provided by the database or in development alternatively by the DISCORD_TOKEN environment variable.

Database Settings

The settings stored in the database are all changeable at runtime unless explicitly specified and are separated between global and module specific settings each stored in different tables. As this document covers core settings please refer to the respective module documentation for module specific settings. Below is a list of all global database-provided settings which are stored in the GlobalSettings table.

Default Description
discordToken - The Discord token used to connect to Discord. Changing this value at runtime will cause the bot to exit. Depending on the environment this means a simple restart.
colorDefault 7506394 Default color for message embed.
colorGood 3461464 Color for message embed with a good meaning.
colorBad 16718602 Color for message embed with a bad meaning.
colorWarn 16745728 Color for embed messages to draw attention or a warn.
cleanInterval 600000 Interval in milliseconds in which the database gets cleaned.
masterUserIds - List of user IDs with admin privileges in the bot.

Environment variables

Depending on how you run Botler, there are different available environment variables to change each building on top of the other.

Node Application

The node application itself applies certain defaults to make it easier during development.

Dev Default Prod Default Description
NODE_ENV - - In what environment the bot is running. Options are development (default if empty or invalid) and production.
DATABASE_USERNAME postgres same Username used to authenticate with PostgreSQL.
DATABASE_PASSWORD botler - Password used to authenticate with PostgreSQL.
DATABASE_HOST localhost same Hostname of the PostgreSQL server.
DATABASE_PORT 5432 same Port on which PostgreSQL is listening.
DATABASE_DATABASE postgres same Name of the database to use.
DATABASE_ARGS - - Connection arguments like schema=public. See Prisma docs for available arguments.
DATABASE_URL - - Complete connection URL that overwrites all database options above. See Prisma docs for schema.
LOGGER_STAMP_LABEL true same If the timestamp metadata should be added
LOGGER_SCOPE_LABEL true same If the scope metadata should be added
LOGGER_LEVEL_LABEL true same If the log level metadata should be added
LOGGER_STAMP_COLOR gray same Color of the timestamp label
LOGGER_SCOPE_COLOR yellow same Color of the scope label
LOGGER_LEVEL_COLOR cyan same Color of the log level label
LOGGER_LABEL_PREFIX [ same Prefix of metadata label
LOGGER_LABEL_SUFFIX ] same Suffix of metadata label
LOGGER_STAMP_PAD 0 same Minimum length of characters for timestamp label. Will be padded with spaces.
LOGGER_SCOPE_PAD 10 same Minimum length of characters for the scope label. Will be padded with spaces.
LOGGER_STAMP_FORMAT YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss.sss same Format of timestamp label. See the Day.js docs for more information.
PRISMA_LOG_QUERIES false same If all database queries performed via Prisma should be logged.
DISCORD_TOKEN - - Discord token to generate a GlobalSettings entry with non exists. Will be ignored in production.

More Logger Colors

You can set label colors (LOGGER_*_COLOR variables) to any CSS color keyword or even a hex color prefixed with # like #008000 (green).

Docker Container

The bot can be run inside a Docker container using the provided Docker images.

Name Dev Default Prod Default
NODE_ENV development production


When using the default entry point of the provided images, the DATABASE_URL gets automatically set if not explicitly overwritten. This is to ease the use of the prisma client inside of the containers.

Docker Compose

The bot, the database, or both can be run using the provided Docker Compose file. The database uses the same DATABASE_* environment variables to configure itself.

Dev Default Prod Default Description
EXTERNAL_DATABASE_PORT 5432 5432 Port on which the database will be exposed. Does not effect what port the bot service needs to use meaning DATABASE_PORT can left untouched.

Last update: August 2, 2021